We start out with a scene not in the film; trick-or-treaters out and about stopping at the Elrod house. This serves as a device for Mr. Martin to set the novel in its own mythology of Halloween. The book has an atmosphere all its own. Thick with autumnal alliteration, we weave through the story in a way that the film seems to limp through at times.
Like the film, Martin takes us back into the third act of the first Halloween. But the novel goes back even further, to a point in which three pre-teens try to find the gumption to send one of their own up creaking steps to ring the doorbell of the old "Myers Spook House" in a test of burgeoning manhood. And yes, you know what follows; Loomis joyfully taunts Lonnie and the boys as his own little Halloween prank, partaking in the right of passage of these young men. At this point the book really takes off. Although we are re-treading old ground the difference is in the medium itself. Martin takes us into the characters thoughts. Only in a novel are we capable of witnessing such introspection, and Jack Martin does not let us down. The inner monologues of Loomis take us on a painfull journey of regret and self loathing that the film merely hinted at. Other characters are also exposed this way, allowing a better understanding of even secondary players motivations. Reading this text actually makes the film better! I found that all the nuances of Martins book stayed with me while viewing the film afterwards.
This is not a review of "content", as it were. We all know the story. We all know how it ends. I simply want to explain the difference beyond the story itself. "Why should I read a book based on a film I've seen already 20 times!?". The Halloween II book will never be considered "great lit". Its prose may be academic to some but its colorful descriptions are certainly not economical. Above all, this is a very entertaining read that a fan of the first two films will find deepens the storyline and sense of community in Haddonfield, hence expanding the mythology of our favorite "boogieman".
Next week sometime I plan on reviewing more printed materials so don't forget to stop by!
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